
The Ignite & Expand Leadership Summit in Fort Lauderdale, FL

April 6, 2021

One of my favorite weekends of the year is literally around the corner!

YES YES YES! (if you know me I've adopted this expression for years)

The most fun, transformational, and magical 3-day event ever!

My friends and mentors, created a breakthrough experience and I personally want to invite you to join me! The Ignite & Expand Leadership Summit in Fort Lauderdale, FL.,  this June is the place to be if you’re ready to tap into your power, connect with like-minded people, and uplevel your dream life and biz! Right in our backyard this year. 

My life was transformed 3 years ago. On the line, in a very dark place, I was gifted my friends Suzanne Adams and Cameo Gore. They are spiritual entrepreneurs.

They helped me heal, and see patterns that were no longer serving me, so that I could claim my truth and deep desires. 

I’m incredibly excited to share this with you because this will be an extraordinary event, filled with soulful entrepreneurs, powerful transformation, breakthroughs, and an overall life-changing experience! If you or a friend are ready to expand and take your life, business, or passion project to the next level of abundance and prosperity and are ready to start receiving from your aligned purpose and passion… check it out -->  here and grab your spot today.  

Take your life and biz to a whole new level! It is time to create your #NewNormal in a powerful container for expansion! Over 100 powerful female leaders will come together to up-level their lives and business at the 2021 Ignite & Expand Leadership Summit in Fort Lauderdale. 

Imagine every cell of your body igniting to your highest potential to expand in a new direction of purpose, and waking up to the glorious experience of pure joy, each and every morning with us!

There is so much more you will experience when you join us, but I can’t possibly fit it into this email!

The best way to get all the juicy details right now is to click here. 

If you are ready to jump in and say YES YES YES to a 3-day full immersion in-person experience with us, then take advantage of the current EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT and enroll now! Don’t miss it! I am so excited to connect with this incredible community of women leaders who are creating magic and legacies! I can’t wait for you to experience an entirely new level of energy, joy, and fulfillment! Check it out at here

I’m inviting you to take a journey with us to Ignite and Expand into new dimensions… where everything and anything is possible!


P.S If you have any questions about the trip, simply hit reply, I’m happy to personally answer any questions you may have!

P.S.S Your tribe and future best friends and business besties are waiting to connect with you at this amazing event

P.S.S It's at the sexy Conrad Hotel!!!!

#igniteandexpand #soulfulentrepreneurs #leadershipsummit