Going camping. Selling cookies. Earning badges.
All of these pop into my mind when I think about Girl Scouts. But what does it mean to be a true Girl Scout? In my opinion, the answer lies in learning valuable skills and using them in real life to help others. My troop does activities like making cards for veterans, donating food, and arranging flowers for retirement homes. Simple acts of kindness like these can make a big impact, especially when we all work together.
Through Girl Scouts, I have learned entrepreneur skills, how to make a campfire, and how to tie knots, along with the Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law. But I think the most important is teamwork. When you work in a group, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Girl Scouts has taught me to be a better person and to be mindful of what I say and do. I know that all the skills I learned in Girl Scouts will help me to be successful in the future and all throughout my life.
Being a Girl Scout is so much more than wearing a uniform or collecting badges. It is learning how to make the world a better place.