Local Family Fun Deals: Attractions, Shows & More!  

Spirituality Guide

March 23, 2021

Whether it’s staying aligned, in touch with nature, having a stronger connection to spirit, or making new friends with similar interests, we want to help you feel great. 

Wanting to take better care of yourself and your family?  To help you get started, we've put together a Health, Wellness & Beauty Guide so you can pamper yourself, get in shape and stay healthy throughout the year!

Resources for local Massage, Yoga, Spiritual Coaches, Therapeutical Art, Sound Healing, Healers and more. There are options! Check out our community support below. 

If you are a local business looking to get your message in front of almost 10K parents in our area, email us today.


Samantha Marcum 🔮

Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Reiki Master Teacher


Retreat Facilitator

Yoga Teacher

Meditation Guide


Art & Healing

Whether you're interested in creativity coaching, seeking to learn new painting techniques, or an institution looking for creative team-building exercises to release stress or anxiety, there is a workshop for you! All services can be shared online. Look inside your soul and discover what your purpose is or what holds you back. Commit to creative expression and walk away with answers, insights, and a new perspective.  This is a supportive tool for meditation and relaxation

Art & Healing A beautiful journey of self-discovery. Commit to creative expression. 

Creativity Coaching Guiding you along the way. Journaling, art-making, magic & more.


Pamper Yourself


Baby Products I Health & Personal Care I Kitchen & House Wares


Anyone who is feeling isolated, lonely, panicked, or just needs a friendly voice, is invited to call: 954-578-5640

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress.

Everyone struggles sometimes. Take the time to talk it out loud, judgment-free with someone.

Business Review

To have your business featured in a Macaroni Kid Spotlight Article, or to refer your favorite business, please email loria@macaronikid.com.

Local Businesses: Want to have your business featured in our guide and support this free community resource? 

Macaroni Kid has become THE online resource families turn to in our area to find all things family fun and learn about the businesses that make our community so unique. This makes Macaroni Kid THE MOST targeted way to reach families in our area. 

The key? We work with YOU to get YOUR message to readers in our community.

Give our platform a try! 

Media Kit here

Highly Recommended by Locals On Alignable

Macaroni Kid strives to fit your advertising budgets. We'd love the opportunity to build the perfect fit for you and your business goals. Are there any special offers you want to promote with our families?  Do you have any questions about what we provide?

Click here to register and promote your business with our friends.
Contact Us Today! Let's get started!

Lori Arbel